Lives Touched Through Jesus Only Radio Programme – Letters from Africa

Apr 1, 2015 1791

mailboxThese are some letters we have received recently from listeners to GNU’s Jesus Only radio programme that is broadcast across East Africa every week. The programme features the gospel presented through Desmond Ford, Eliezer Gonzalez, and GNU’s team of gospel speakers:

Francis N Gichunji from Nyahururu, Kenya

Happy greetings to you and all the people in your ministry.

I always think about how hopeless my life would have been without the Lord. It’s only through your radio ministry that I came to understand fully what death and resurrection of Jesus means to my life. Please send me some helpful Christian literature for my growth spiritually.

In Jesus name

Francis N. Gichunji

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Stephen M Muoangl from Mumbosa, Kenya

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I heard your wonderful program on Radio E – Africa. God has blessed you for your success in Africa. He seems to have blessed quite well. Thanks so much for your teachings which clearly reaches here.

With Christian blessing,

Stephen M Muoangl

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Joseph Mukaraku from Meru, Kenya

Dear Dr Gonzalez

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour.

It is a wonderful opportunity to serve with you. I have been blessed by your broadcast on radio. Its messages it was really impacted on my life and I have told many friends of your ministry. Please send me any useful Christian literature.

I am in His holy name,

Joseph Mukaraku

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Caroline Murugl from Choguria Meru, Kenya

This is a new era to your ministry for the good news you send to us through the radio on the radio. The message is really inspiring and every time it’s on the air encourages me to move on. I want to tell you that you are inspiring not only to me but also to others.

I am yours in Christ,

Caroline Murugl

Rev. Alleen Mukwanyaga from Holtoktok, Kenya

Dear Dr Gonzalez

I pray that the Lord will speak to the people who hear the good news you preach on the radio. May we continue to seek his wisdom and strength and to be found faithful? We will give God the Almighty the glory he deserves. May God our Lord give you more than you already have, above all your health.

In Jesus name,

Rev Alleen Mukwanyaga

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Lewis Munitani from Nairobi, Kenya

Greetings to you through salvation of Jesus Christ.

Indeed your defining program on the Radio E-Africa is winning million of lost souls all over the world. Working together we shall raise the roof of heaven and keep the occupants rejoicing. Continue and don’t lose hope because God is with you all the time. Please send some good Christian literature.

I am yours in the Lord,

Lewi Munitani


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