Love and Faithfulness

Jan 17, 2016 1270

Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on there tablet of your heart. Then you will win favour and a good name in the sight of God and man (Proverbs 3:3,4).

The wise man tells us that these two characteristics should be treasured by every disciple of the Lord. Love and faithfulness are so precious they should be bound around the neck like a valuable ornament (Proverbs 3:22) or a seal (Gen. 38:18) used to verify a message inscribed on a tablet of clay. A seal was the ancient equivalent of a signature, your security password and your PIN, all rolled in together. A seal was the physical confirmation of a man’s word, evidence of his promise. These precious characteristics were compared to the most valuable things the writers could think of. And Both love and faithfulness should also be written on the tablet of the heart as a message for all to see.

The result of such intimacy with these vital motivations for living is favour and a good name with both God and man.

No relationship with either God or man is richer than one than one based on love and secured by faithfulness.

The apostle John had a loving relationship with Jesus. He is described in the New Testament as “the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 13;23). It’s not that Jesus loved John anymore than he loved the other disciples; it’s just that John appropriated more of Jesus’ love. And Jesus’ love for John became a bulwark to protect him from being unfaithful to his Lord in a time of testing. The other disciples forsook Jesus and fled when it seemed they would be captured and executed with him, but faithful John stuck with him to the very end.

Let ‘love’ and ‘faithful’ be words that describe your character and mine.

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