Despairing Man Finds Jesus While Watching the GNU TV Programme From His Sickbed

Feb 3, 2022 1143

Despairing Man Finds Jesus While Watching the GNU TV Programme From His Sickbed

Varaprasad is 35 years old and recently accepted Jesus into his life after watching the GNU TV Programme. He was addicted to drinking alcohol daily. He was married and had two children.

He became sick and paralyzed on his bed and was unable to get up. His elderly mother watches the GNU TV Programme and comes to Gospel meetings at the Good News Divine Centre. She told me about her son’s life and sickness.

One day I went to her house, where Varaprasad was on his bed and unable to get up. So I prayed for his sickness and shared the Holy Gospel with him. I told him to watch with his mother the Holy Gospel preached on TV. So he has been watching the GNU TV Programme.

By listening to the Word of God he accepted Jesus. Before accepting Jesus he was a complete alcoholic and he said that there is no God. And he did not believe at all in Jesus. He became poor and he lost what he had, both house and property. At last he became hopeless and his wife too left him, taking their children.

He has been watching the GNU TV Programme. By listening to the Word of God he accepted Jesus.

So he suffered a lot while he was on the bed. He had been praying to Jesus with tears. So Jesus heard his prayers and he got well and he is able to walk with help of a walking stick.

Since he is poor in condition, he kept a small shop in front of his house and lived through that means. His mother is elderly and unable to do any work. She is also sick.

Both daily hear the Word of God and watch the GNU TV Programme. Now he is happy in Christ.

His wife did not return to him with their children. Please pray for his wife and children to return to him.

Varaprasad says,

It is Jesus who healed me and it is Jesus who gave me new life. I am so thankful to Jesus for healing me and making me to get up. I am so happy in Christ Jesus. I pray daily and listen to the Word of God. I thought that I would die. But Jesus made me to get up. It is my faith that saved me. Thanks to Jesus and thanks to GNU who made the GNU TV programme.

– Pr Joseph Usala

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