Marina Listened in, and It Changed Her Life! – Poltava, Ukraine
Apr 28, 2017 1583

Marina has discovered the Gospel in the rehab centre where she works.
My name is Marina I was born into the family of a teacher and a member of the military. It was not a religious family. They only talked about God on holidays. But there were icons hanging in the house and there was a calendar with a picture of the Blessed Virgin. From what I understood, she was God. I found the temples, icons, statues and architecture beautiful, but I didn’t feel the presence of God. I didn’t understand how to pray or how to approach to God.
I am now 32 and have worked at the rehab centre in Poltava, Ukraine, for a year and a half. It was here that I listened to the education programme, especially where we discussed having balance in all spheres of life. I felt that I had little knowledge in the spiritual sphere, and I wanted to begin studying the Bible. Since a GNU-sponsored pastor teaches those in rehab about the Bible, I asked him whether he held a similar Bible study outside the rehab program. I later found it was because of my inquiry that he organised a new Bible study group I now attend.
The Bible study group is made up of other staff at the rehab centre, as well as those who have completed rehab. It was interesting to start studying the Bible and understand it without all the external ideas people lay on it, and to learn what purpose it has.
Now I am understanding what God is like more and more.
Before, I had thought that God was a natural energy, and churches were not necessary. However, now that I study the Holy Scriptures, I understand that although you don’t have to attend a church to talk to God, it is important to pray personally. I am understanding what God is like more and more. I am developing spiritually as well as intellectually. I am finding the answers to the many questions I had before, and for the first time I am getting answers that make sense. I know now that the Bible is a truthful book.
It is an important period in my life right now. I am awaiting serious surgery. The GNU-sponsored pastor is going to pray for me and anoint me. I am getting ready. I am trying to become closer to God. I am reflecting on God’s will. I am making peace with everybody. It is an important stage of my spiritual growth.
– Marina (Edited by Ella Rodionoff)
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