Was Martin Luther a Prophet?
- Bible
- Bible study
- Christian Evidences
- Christian Living
- Christianity
- Dr Eliezer Gonzalez
- Faith
- Gospel
- Jesus
- Justification
- Salvation
Jan 7, 2015 5875
The power and the genius of the core message of Christianity – the gospel – lies in the teaching of justification through faith, for it necessarily teaches that justification is solely and completely by the grace of God.
The message of justification therefore distinguishes Christianity from every religion, belief system, or ethical system that ever existed before it or that ever will exist – for such a salvation can only come from God, and from God alone. And not from just any God, but one who is so loving that he defies the logic of the religious systems of humanity, and so compassionate that it is impossible to compare him to any other human conceptions of Divinity.
Martin Luther saw all this in 1531. There is a reason why God was able to use Martin Luther to spearhead the Reformation in Europe – the revival of the gospel message.
Our friend Haroldo Camacho, who has translated Martin Luther’s “Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians,” highlights this passage as practically describing the religious world today:
For instance the monk ponders in his imagination: “My works are pleasing to God, God will take into account my vows, and for all that will grant me salvation.” The Moslem says, “If I keep all the precepts of the Koran, God will accept me and give me eternal life”. The Jew thinks, “If I observe the things that the law commands, I will find the mercy of God, and therefore I will be saved”. In the same way, today we see some heads covered with mud, boasting in the Spirit of revelations, visions, and many other monstrosities, how many there are, I’ve lost count, who have their heads up in the clouds way above their feet. These new monks have invented a new cross and new works, dreaming that by doing them they can please God. In short, all who ignore the central teaching of justification, push Christ right out of the mercy seat. However, they insist in understanding God’s majesty through the judgment of human reason, and desire to appease Him through their works. – From Martin Luther’s Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians (1535), commenting on Galatians 1:3. Translation from the Latin: Haroldo S. Camacho, Ph.D.
Martin Luther wasn’t a prophet. It’s just that nothing much has changed from 1531 to this day. The great religious traditions of the world have failed to comprehend the central teaching of justification. And sadly much of Christianity today, has also lost sight of the central teaching of justification, insisting “on understanding God’s majesty through the judgment of human reason, and desire to appease Him through their works.”
But you know, we don’t need Martin Luther today. to be alive today. He did his magnificent work for God in his time and in his context, and he awaits his reward. He is not around today, but you and I are.
God needs people like you and me who are prepared to stand up for the great message of the gospel – that sinners everywhere are justified through faith in Christ and through his grace alone.
And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. – Matthew 24:14.
– Eliezer Gonzalez
That's not the core message of Christianity. Read the bible.
Eliezer Gonzalez
Dec 17, 2017
If you do not consider that the core message of Christianity is the Bible, what do you think it is?