She Didn’t Know Where To Go To Find Jesus, But Then GNU Came To Her Village: Mary’s Testimony

Jun 16, 2021 1651

Mary’s Testimony: She Didn’t Know Where To Go To Find Jesus, But Then GNU Came To Her Village

Jesus found Mary when GNU came to her village!

Mary is a 63 year old woman and lives in a village called Buusanagulla in India. She was born and brought up in the Roman Catholic Church and her parents were Hindus and she did not know about the Holy Gospel. She had gone to the Roman Catholic Church but had no happiness and no peaceful life.

One day she went to her relatives house and stayed three days. And there Mary watched the GNU TV program and accepted Jesus and she wanted to hear more about the Holy Gospel but did not find out where.

When Mary returned to her own village where she has been living in the hut, she was very full of worry. She had two sons and one son died and another son married and went for work in another village. So she had no one to help her and she had no proper food to eat.

She Didn’t Know Where To Go To Find Jesus, But Then GNU Came To Her Village: Mary’s Testimony
Public Domain photo from UnSplash

GNU came to her village and started prayer meetings every Friday.

Then GNU came to her village and started prayer meetings every Friday. Mary come to prayer meetings every Friday and she is a very good believer and she has much faith and she is so interested to hear the Holy Gospel. Still he struggles because she has been living in the remote village. If the villagers give or provide food she could eat otherwise she remains like that with no food. But she keeps faith in Jesus and lives by it.

Mary says,

“It is Jesus who saved my life and it is the Holy Gospel which changed my life. So I am so thankful to Jesus in all my life. I am so happy in Christ and daily I pray and I hear the Holy Gospel.”

– Pr Joseph Usala

We are so happy for Mary that she came to faith in Jesus when GNU came to her village! GNU has many ministries that help people come to faith in Jesus.  If you would like to Help Spread the Good News about Jesus to the world, please click the orange Help Spread the Good News button at the bottom of the page!

Are you enjoying this inspiring testimony? Read more GNU testimonies here:

GNU also has a television ministry called Pravachan Television in Gudiwada, Andhra Pradesh, India

which has brought many to faith:

Read more about GNU’s Radio and Television miniseries here:

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