Me and My Faith
Oct 11, 2019 2151
Radio Version:
Me and My Faith
I sound all happy and shiny in these God-spots, don’t I? But Let me confess something about myself. I’m not some kind of model Christian. By nature I’m actually a pessimist and a worrier. Often, little things cause me stress. Often, I struggle.
There’s this view of Christianity where it’s like Aladdin’s lamp, where just because you’re a Christian, you simply rub your lamp and, abracadabra, you are now a happy, shiny person, and nothing can get you down.
But it doesn’t work that way, and that’s not how the Bible describes the reality of faith either.
There’s this story of a man came to Jesus, asking him to cure his son, and he cried out,
I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!
This man admitted that although he had some faith, his faith was mixed with doubt. And of course, Jesus cured his son.
Remember, true faith might not always be perfect faith, but it’s always a saving faith.

True faith might not always be perfect faith, but it’s always saving faith.
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