Men and Women Who Changed the World – Part 8 – Dr Des Ford
Dec 29, 2017 1289
Men and women who changed the world: By DR. Desmond Ford Christ was born in manger, in a stable. Walked in sandals. Used to be hungry,. Attended a wedding where by they didn't have enough wine for the guest. Christ turned water into wine. He feed 5000 hungry people with 5 loaves of bread and 5 fish. WITH him, and within him, miracles can still be done , by men And women in bare feet. The suffering of this world can never be compared by the glory that a waits for those who surrenders to Christ. Romans 8:18. Matthew 28:18-20. Christ overcome death. Isaiah 53:11-12 Luke 21:36 Hark to those that call you to find Christ. Amen
Dec 31, 2017
Thank YOU Dr Ford, for these videos. I know you are guided by the holy spirit. I know that you have touched me The spirit of God lives in you, and you know it. Amen