My Life Changing Witness Story

Apr 9, 2014 2111

Dear Loving Pastor,

Greets to you in the Love of Jesus Christ who has died for us in order to save our lives from sins. I am pastor Joseph who have been doing the God’s work since one year back onwards among the Hindus in India. I have been praying and preaching the Word of God in the interior villages where people have been living in the hatch huts. It is the Holy Spirit lead me and reveal to me do God’s work.

About my witness in Christ, actually I was born and brought up in the Roman Catholic back ground. I had been trained in Roman Catholic for 10 years as a priest after completion of my 10th class. So still I had been trained in theology. Then something went wrong with regard to my life and the life which Roman Catholics priests had been living. Then I left the Roman Catholics my first year Theology. Then when I came out I had been praying to God to reveal the truth for 10 years. I had been working in the school for 10 years as school teacher. One day as I was going to home on bike with my son after school. In the darkness. I met an accident with another bike. During that time nothing happened to my son and to me. It was a big miracle for me and the people who had been it. After that accident I left my job and decided to follow Jesus Christ footsteps and his life changing teachings. Now I have been doing God’s work in various interior villages where the believer have given to me the common community halls for praying and preaching. Therefore I am ever thankful to God in my life to save my life and my son’s life and God has called me to his tremendous work to preach the good news to the poor and needy. Now I have strong will and wish Christ to save the lost souls in India So I request you kindly to pray for me and the ministry in your precious daily prayers which I have been doing for Christ. I thanks a lot in the Christ for giving the great opportunity to share my life witness story in

Your loving servant in Christ,

Pastor Joseph
India, Andhrapradesh
My Cell Number +91,9010129225


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