New Believers in Ukraine Receive Help to Grow in Christ

Nov 14, 2016 1592


The hall where evangelistic meetings were being held in Mukachevo, Ukraine, was full of people. To their surprise that evening they received a gift donated by GNU, the book Tree of Life, to help new believers continue to grow in their newfound faith, and to encourage long-time Christians.


Ivan has learnt to experience the joy of life in Christ.

Tree of Life, written by Eliezer Gonzalez and Andrew Ranucci, describes the Christian life using the metaphor of a healthy tree. It is a book that is thoroughly grounded in the Gospel, and it communicates the importance of a believer’s relationship with God and what it means for our relationships with others.

Now for the first time ever, this book has been translated. The language chosen was Russian; the translation work was done by a dedicated local translator and the book was printed in Ukraine. GNU is grateful for the donations that have made it possible for the Ukrainian people to read this book in their own language.

Those at the meeting received the book with joy. After reading it, some have told GNU how it has impacted their walks with God and their understanding of the gospel:

The is a Book That Rouses You To Action

Tree of Life is a book that rouses you to action and creates a desire to come to God. It encourages you to study God’s Word and treat people with love. – Tatiana

My Heart Has Responded to Everything I Have Read

Thank you for this book. It’s a precious gift. My heart has responded to everything I have read in it. I am convinced now that I need to seek God’s love first of all. – Viktoria

The Mystery of Life is Unlocked When You Meet Jesus

Having read the book, I am certain now that the mystery of life is unlocked only when we meet the Man of Galilee.

I Must Share This Joy With Others

The  book Tree of Life has taught me that I must stay close to God at all times, love my neighbor, and to experience the joy of life in God, and share this joy with others. – Ivan

An Inspiring Book That Makes Me Think About My Relationship with Jesus.

I liked the symbolic comparison of Christian life, and our relationship with God, to a tree. It is an inspiring book, prompting me to think about what place Jesus and my relationship with him, have in my life… Tree of Life is easy to read and understand. When you’ve read the book, it makes you want to be a healthy tree, producinggood fruit.‘ – Valerii

An Easy and Understandable Message

Tree of Life impressed me with its easy and understandable message, its print format (wonderful illustrations and design), and its consistent description of the interrelation between the roots (God’s love), the trunk and branches (God’s servants) and the fruit (the results of service). – Tatiana

It Has Simplified My Understanding of the Essence of Christianity

Tree of Life has simplified my understanding of the essence of Christianity. It is very informative while being written in plain language that is easy to understand. This creates an even stronger impression. The illustration of the “Tree of Life”  is a very effective tool for looking at my spiritual health and growth. – Vitalii

This Book Has Deepened My Relationship With God

Tree of Life is written in such a simple way that it could be easily understood even by children. At the same time it shares very important messages. While reading, you understand that God really loves you and is willing to help you live a happy life. You don’t have to deserve his grace but can simply receive salvation as a gift from Jesus Christ…This book has deepened my relationship with God and helped me to feel like an important instrument in God’s hands. –Eugenia

– Ella Rodionoff


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