New School Gives Hope to “Untouchable” Children – Nandiwada, India

Oct 30, 2017 2153

New School Gives Hope to “Untouchable” Children - S.T. Colony, Nandiwada, India

The number of children at the Good News Children’s Care Centre has increased and Pr Joseph has started a school.

The number of children at the Good News Children’s Care Centre has been growing, and the centre has been expanding. Now it has become a school, where the poorest of the poor kids can come to get an education.

With help of GNU we have been taking care of the Good News Children’s Care Centre children and they have been learning the holy Gospel and school studies. They are the very, very poorest of the poor kids who do not go to schools to study because they lack the money. They can’t even afford proper food.

There are 53 children at the children’s centre. This year the number of students have increased and I have hired two more teachers to take care them and teach them their studies as well as about the holy Bible and prayer. There are now four teachers and I have divided the students into four groups according to their grade.

The Holy Spirit inspired me this year to start a school in S.T. Colony, Nandiwada village. The school is held in the Good News Children’s Care Centre and the Good News Retreat Centre. So between these two buildings there are three rooms and one big hall. Many of the children are from Hindu families and now we are teaching them the holy Gospel.


“We are so thankful to God for starting this school in this Colony.”


We have been feeding them good food and providing snacks and milk. The people who live here are very happy with what GNU has been doing with the children. One parent said,

The school is very, very helpful and useful for the children who are uneducated and do not know how to read and write. We are so thankful to God for starting this school in this Colony. Through the service this school provides many of the children from Hindu backgrounds have come to know about Jesus. So we are so happy about this school and grateful to GNU.

 – Pr Joseph Usala

PS from Eliezer Gonzalez – Notice the lack of chairs and tables for the children. We have made a big start, but still have a long way to go.

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Eliezer Gonzalez

Apr 2, 2018

Thanks Tom. Our main focus is on sharing the Gospel with those who need to hear it most. And when that it best achieved in through providing food and shelter to them we will do it as far as we are able to.

Tom Durst

Mar 31, 2018

It seems to me reprehensible that so many Christians live in opulence and luxury when so many of God's children are going without the barest necessities. Surely there will be accountability for this. God bless GNU for doing whatever is possible. You have my support.

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