New Unlimited Devotions Starting Today
Mar 14, 2022 1377

Dear Friend
I would like to let you know that from today, we will be starting a series of devotions that will take us through the entire book of Romans.
Paul’s letter to the Romans was probably written while Paul was staying in Corinth during his final missionary journey, and most likely sometime during A.D. 55–57, approximately 25 years after the Cross.
Of Paul’s letters in the New Testament, his letter to the Roman church is the longest, and it is considered to be his masterpiece. Through it, strives to overwhelm his audience with the vastness of the goodness of God in salvation, and the glory of the Gospel. These are topics of which we need to be continually reminded, no matter what our standing in life may be.
Although there is no “systematic theology” in the New Testament, the letter to the Romans comes closest. As Dr Des Ford, the founder of Good News Unlimited used to say, “Christ made the atonement and Paul explained it.”
We will be starting a new series of devotions through the entire book of Romans.
In a Christian world in which any and every teaching is passed off as the “Gospel”, it is worth spending time in this letter. We need to strip back many of the external trappings of “religion”: the things that we may have been told Christianity is all about. We need to always make sure that our faith is founded on “Truth.”
Paul’s letter to the Romans pulsates with the power of salvation, and of the Holy Spirit who is given to those who believe the Gospel. That’s why every major reformation in history, when Christianity has drawn closer to what it was always meant to be, has been based on the study of Paul’s letter to the Romans.
I trust and pray that this same power of God will deeply impact and lift up your life as we carefully go through Paul’s letter to the Romans together.
Grace and Peace
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