No Fear, Just Peace

Sep 22, 2015 1390

Since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (Rom. 5:1).

In the final judgement all sinners will be judged and condemned for the wrong they have done. The only sinners who will be declared to be righteous before God will be those who have put their faith in Jesus. They will not be saved by their faith, but by the object of their faith, that is Jesus. They will be declared to be free of condemnation because Jesus was judged and condemned in their place.

Knowing that our sins were fully dealt with on the cross, we now have peace with God. The final judgement holds no terrors for us because all our sins have been blotted from the records by Jesus’ blood.

With thankful hearts we bow before our Saviour, completely committed to him and devoted to his service.

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