I Do Not Ask That Crowds May Throng The Temple
Jan 7, 2015 3277
I do not ask
That crowds may throng the temple,
That standing room be priced;
I only ask that as I voice the message
They may see Christ.
I do not ask
For churchly pomp or pageant,
Or music such as wealth alone can buy;
I only ask that as I voice the message
He may be nigh.
I do not ask
That men may sound my praises,
Or headlines spread my name abroad;
I only pray that as I voice the message
Hearts may find God.
I do not ask
For earthly place or laurel,
Or of this world’s distinctions any part;
I only ask, when I have voiced the message,
My Saviour’s heart!
– by Ralph Spalding Cushman (1879-1960), who was a Protestant bishop who held three doctorates, and also published many poems. This poem is titled, “The Parson’s Prayer.”
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