Not What We Do, But What He Has Done – by Desmond Ford

Jun 22, 2016 5468

Not What We Do, But What He Has Done – by Desmond Ford

Legalism is a haunting problem – nobody in this world, even the most mature believer, ever altogether forsakes his or her legalism. It is ingrained in us. We are all born Pharisees and we are prone to measure how much God loves us by our progress and by our achievements. That’s legalism.

The fact is that however well we are doing, however much progress we are making, we are not doing well enough. Our progress is not enough if it is going to be measured by the law. But God does not measure us that way. He only sees us in Christ.

God does not see in us the vileness of the sinner. The law is powerless to condemn someone who is hidden in Christ. Someone who’s desire is to honor their Savior, however many times they stumble is still accepted in the beloved. They are counted as 100 per cent right, 100 per cent just – even when they have just blown it! No true Christian willfully pursues known evil. You can’t do that and be a Christian.

It is not what we do, but what he has done.

Our mistakes are not reckoned against us. They were dealt with at the cross. So l suggest to you that we are all tempted to measure how much God loves us by how we are doing. This indicates we are legalists to the end to some degree. None of us ever fully lose all of it in this life. Fortunately, salvation only takes as much faith as a grain of mustard seed. That much can save. More faith than that can bring blessing after blessing but that much, a mustard seed, can save.

– Des Ford. Rom 8:27-32. Adapted from “In Heavenly Places part 1”

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Linda A Johnson

Jun 12, 2018

Only a grain of mustard seed, thank you Des. I had forgotten about that little seed. Some days my faith seems very small, and I feel that I am losing the battle. Thank you for reminding me, that the work is His and my salvation is all about Jesus, not about me.

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