Nothing But The Blood – by Desmond Ford

Jun 18, 2015 3236

Blood on the lintelGod had said to the Children of Israel in Egypt, “When I see the blood, I’ll pass over you”. It was the blood and nothing but the blood that brought salvation. Suppose there had been some good Hebrew father who had said, “Well now, can’t we do better than that? “Let’s make a few nice ornaments for the sanctuary” or “Let’s write up ‘our book of good deeds” or “Let’s have a praise service” or “Let’s have someone preach” or “Let’s have the Torah in here and we’ll all read from the Scriptures”?

There would have been a death in the family. It’s the blood and nothing but the blood that brings salvation. Nothing but the blood.

Secondly, whoever was under the blood was saved. He may have been a terrible rogue in days gone by. I’m sure that with the judgments of the Lord going through the land, he wouldn’t want to be engaging in roguery now. But he may have been the worst rotter unhung. Or she may have been the equivalent. But whoever was under the blood was saved.

“Whosoever believeth, whosoever will, whosoever is athirst, let him come and take the water of life freely.” The blood and nothing but the blood that brought salvation, whoever was under the blood was safe.

And it was God’s estimate of the blood that counted. They probably scratched their heads and said “We’re not quite sure what all this means. Why all this blood?” The learned ones could have said, “Well, don’t you remember in Eden, there was a sacrifice that showed that God Himself would die for us? Don’t you know?” But it was God’s estimate of the blood that brought salvation.

You don’t have to be able to talk learnedly about reconciliation and atonement and imputation and justification and sanctification. It will help if you know your vocabulary. But you don’t have to. It is God’s understanding of the blood that matters, not yours.

It is what He sees in it that counts. We only see the superficial. We don’t realize that it was an infinite one who suffered – the One who was worth more than a trillion, billion worlds. It was He who hung on the cross. And He offers us an infinite righteousness.

So please remember these things about the blood. It was the blood and nothinq but the blood. Whoever was under the blood was saved, and it was God’s estimate of the blood that brought salvation.

­– Des Ford. Rom 8:27–32. Adapted from “Tomorrow According to Daniel.”

Eliezer Gonzalez

Aug 7, 2015

Amen brother Bonifresh! It was so wonderful to that you travelled to Kampala to meet us. I praise God that there are young men like you who love the gospel of Jesus Christ! :) – Eliezer

bonifresh muhollo

Aug 5, 2015

Lovely. Faith is such a power that it can save the vilest of sinners, if only he/she can hold to it and forget his/her sins. We cannot get salvation through obedience of the ten commandment since it is impossible for our fallen nature. And the law does not admit to rigthteousness anything less than perfect obedience. And so God in exodus hinted this; Israel would be spared because of her faith in YHWH. And there were no Sinai commandments at this point, because God was laying out a model of human redemtion through faith in Christ. And after faith, we are elevated to a better system of life, guided only by the spirit of God that does not condemn.

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