Nothing Can Separate You

Sep 13, 2017 1959

Radio Version:

Nothing Can Separate You

I’ve done a lot of travelling, and the reality is that we’re all travellers. We’re travellers through this world, searching for love. Many are misguided into thinking that they are searching for something else, but they aren’t. It’s always love that we look for, because we were made to love and be loved.

In Romans 8, the Apostle Paul asks the question:

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? 

And then he goes on to affirm that nothing in the entire universe, and no matter what we go through, nothing can separate us from the love of Jesus Christ our Lord.

What Paul is telling us here is that this experience isn’t something that we just have to look forward to in the future. Instead, it is a present reality, whatever our current circumstances may be. Remember: We don’t need to find love; if we have Jesus in our lives, then love has already found us.

Eliezer Gonzalez

Nothing Can Separate You

If we have Jesus in our lives, then love has already found us.

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