Nyirarukundo and the Joy of Gospel Fellowship – Rwanda

Jan 26, 2016 1711

Happy to have Jesus only book

The members of the Gakenke ‘Jesus Only’ Gospel Fellowship rejoiced to finally have their own copies of the actual book through whose message their lives have been transformed!

A week into the new year, Evangelist Emma was invited to share the Jesus Only message at the Bethany Church in the Gakenka Parish. For Emma and her son Addis, this was a 2-hour bus journey, then a further 45 minutes’ climb up steep roads on a hired motorcycle. At the end of the journey was a joyous welcome from Pastor Ndutiye Anastase and Pastor Nsangiranabo Jean Nepomuscene, who is the head of the Gakenke Cospel fellowship.

Pr Ndutiye Anastase in the Middle and Pr Singiranumwe Patrice

Pr Singiranumwe Patrice (L) and Pr Ndutiye Anastase are committed to ensuring that this Gospel Fellowship grows! Evangelist Emma is on the right.

Emma had brought a supply of Jesus Only books, which she distributed to the group. They had called their Gospel Fellowship by the name ‘Jesus Only” merely because of hearing the message on radio, but now they were overjoyed to be able to receive a copy of the book for themselves.

Emma sent us news of the meeting, along with pictures from a wonderful day of sharing the Gospel together.

Emma was delighted that the two pastors were determined to work closely together to spread the Gospel. “Pastor Ndutiye Anastase promised to never miss out in the weekly fellowship with Jesus Only Gakenke fellowship,” she writes, “and he requested GNU to keep also visiting his church whenever possible.”

One of the highlights of the meeting was the spontaneous testimony of an elderly lady called Nyirarukundo Apronaria, who stood to tell her story. You can see her in this video, and a translation of what she said to Emma is below…

[fbvideo link=”https://www.facebook.com/emma.ingabire/videos/10208139983352910/” width=”500″ height=”400″ onlyvideo=”1″]

My first-born daughter is the one who invited me to the Gakenke Jesus Only fellowship. My daughter is there and her husband—you can see them and my last born son. Let me introduce them to you in the name of Jesus Christ; and my grandchild is here with me. Praise God that the Jesus Only message has come all the way from GNU to us! Let me insist that Good News is only Jesus Only, let me express it from the bottom of my heart.

I was so happy to see you here in our fellowship; my happiness is beyond my explanation. From now on, I am a member of the Jesus Only group, and I will fellowship with this group each and every week. [She then turned to the lady seated beside her.] And I am happy to introduce to you my visitor for today. Even though she is suffering rheumatism, she has been able to come today, through God’s grace. Please pray for her in the name of Jesus Christ.

Emma takes up the story. “Joy and happiness welled up inside me, and I just had to hug this woman. I was so thankful to Jesus for what he is doing in people’s lives. This lovely lady has promised to give me a gift for the ministry in remembrance of this time spent in Bethany church.”

– Eliezer Gonzalez

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