Oh! The Riches of His Glory!
Aug 10, 2014 2323
by Bilyana de Soto
“Your thoughts concerning God are too human.” (Luther, in a Letter to Erasmus)
I wonder what exactly Martin Luther had in mind when writing to Erasmus.
Was Erasmus’ God too small? Was He perhaps not loving enough? Not inclusive enough? Not forgiving enough? Whatever he meant, Luther’s counsel equally applies to each and every one of us. How big is my God?
Think again. Our measure of Him is too human. How wonderful is your God? Consider this:
“These things you have done and I kept silent; you thought I was altogether like you. But I will rebuke you and accuse you to your face.” (Ps. 50:21)
“With whom, then, will you compare God? To what image will you liken him? “(Is. 40:18)
“To whom will you compare me? Or who is my equal?” says the Holy One.”(Is. 40:25)
“No one is like you, LORD; you are great, and your name is mighty in power.” (Jer. 10:6)
In human folly we are given to creating God in our own image. No wonder God balks at that idea by giving us a commandment that forbids creation of graven images of anything in heaven. It was common in various Near East religions to use representations of the gods to facilitate worship, but in ancient Judaism this was prohibited because no aspect of the creation could adequately stand in for God.
What a wonderful thought that when I have thought the best of the best thoughts about God, I have hardly begun to enter the riches of his glory, goodness and might. When I experience God’s love I have only just been warmed by a flicker compared to how loving God’s heart truly is.
“Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.” (Ps 139:6)
“Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom.” (Ps. 145:3)
Oh the riches of His Glory!
Bilyana De Soto
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