Oleg Smiles Again!

May 11, 2015 1980

good news unlimited Oleg 2

Oleg smiles again!

You will remember Oleg’s dramatic story of how he escaped from the front lines of the war in East Ukraine and came to know Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour (“How I Escaped From East Ukraine and Came to Jesus“).

I can now share with you that Oleg has had his operation for cancer at the base of his throat, and is making a full recovery.

It has been a bumpy road for him, since he had to travel three times to Kiev before he could have the life-saving operation. The first time he didn’t have the right paperwork, the second time he was discovered to have diabetes which needed treatment first. The operation was only able to be performed on his second trip to Kiev.

Thank you to the Good News Unlimited family – and one person in particular who wishes to remain anonymous – for giving life to Oleg.

– Eliezer Gonzalez

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