Our Saviour – by Desmond Ford
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Apr 26, 2016 3309

Many unhappy Christians look upon Christ, first, as their example. Only second do they look upon him as their Saviour. That is upending things, turning them on their head. If Jesus is first of all my example, he condemns me more than Sinai. Which of us is like Jesus?
Jesus loved his enemies and prayed for them even on the cross. Jesus was always gentle, always tender, always understanding, always pure, always true, always God-centred, never selfish. If he is first of all my example, I am of all people most miserable because I am not like Jesus! I want to be like Jesus. It is my dearest desire. But I am a million light years from him.
But! If Jesus is first my Saviour – I have hope! The Saviour came into the world to save sinners. I qualify! That’s why he came. To save sinners like me and you.
The Saviour came into the world to save sinners.
The New Testament does not primarily portray Jesus as our example. If that were his task, he would have lived until he was an old man. Where is Jesus an example for anyone over 33? If he were only an example, he would have had to be a man and a woman. Women cope with some things men don’t. Men cope with other things women don’t. Jesus, to be example for both, would have to be both. He wasn’t.
Jesus didn’t come primarily as our example. If he did, we need to know a lot more about him as a boy, as an adolescent, as a young man, and as an employee. The New Testament emphasis is that he came to be the Saviour of the world.
– Des Ford. Rom 8:27-32. Adapted from “The Crises of Christ: His Birth ”
May 2, 2016
Our savior. By Dr. Desmond Ford The only moment I see Jesus as an example, and maybe a Wrong choice of words, is when I am agonizing in my distress or despair. That is when I See my savior in the garden of Gethsemane, praying, carrying the cross , or wearing the crown of thorns. It gives me strength for endurance. That I can call my example, and again, may be example is a wrong choice of words. I also think that Our savior will understand. But I am willing to try , to understand, whether the word my savior would be even better. When we turn our eyes unto Christ, what do we see. Our savoir, and redeemer John15;10 if you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept My Father's commandments and abide in his love.