Have You Outgrown the Cross?
Sep 13, 2017 2039
Radio Version:
Have You Outgrown the Cross?
Every parent eventually comes to the time when their teenagers thing they’ve outgrown them. I know it well. But they never really do, do they?
We live in a scientific, materialistic, and so-called rational age, in which the story of the crucified man – Jesus Christ – is too easily relegated to the stuff of legend or irrelevance.
So have we really outgrown the cross?
The apostle Paul wrote:
For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures.
What Paul is saying here is that the Cross is of first importance. You never outgrow the Cross.
And the reason is clear as well: because Jesus died for our sins. As long as you fail or makes mistakes, you’ll never outgrow the Cross. If you’ll accept it, the Cross of Jesus draws you back again and again to itself as the ultimate monument to courage, sacrifice, and love.
The Cross is of first importance.
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