Pastors’ Evangelism Conference Held by GNU in India

Sep 8, 2015 1720


Fifty pastors were trained in how to present the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Good News Unlimited held a Pastors’ Evangelism Conference in Gudiwada, Andhra Pradesh. Fifty pastors attended, and received training in how to present the gospel of Jesus Christ to their people. They left energised and motivated, and with a renewed sense of their calling.

Pastors in this part of India have typically received no theological or ministry training whatsoever. So it was a real blessing for them to be trained by the Senior Pastor of Good News Unlimited, Dr Eliezer Gonzalez.


Some women also came, some of them pastors and evangelists, and some because they just love the gospel!

Approximately half of the pastors who attended are already affiliated with Good News Unlimited. The conference was also attended by some women, and some of these were female pastors and evangelists.

The evangelism conference was intensely practical, including personal preparation for evangelism, how to understand Bible passages, how to present the gospel, what to do in people’s homes or in public meetings.


Eliezer Gonzalez addressing the pastors at the Pastors’ Evangelism Conference

Many pastors publicly stood up and expressed their appreciation for the Evangelism Conference, as well as the Good News Unlimited television programme, which most of them watch. They requested that Good News Unlimited will be able to provide them with more training and evangelistic resources in their own language, Telugu. Eliezer promised not to abandon them.

After the meeting, many of the pastors asked for individual prayer over themselves and their ministries.

The Pastors’ Evangelism Conference was a tremendous blessing for all, thanks to the powerful working of the Holy Spirit. Many stories are starting to come back from these pastors of renewed church growth as a result of an understanding and a focus on the gospel.


Eliezer Gonzalez

Sep 11, 2015

Thank you for letting us know, Heleena. We will surely pray for their salvation. Thank you for being a good witness to them for the Lord Jesus Christ.


Sep 10, 2015

Dear Brother and Sister, My name is Heleena.My friend name is Chakradhar Policherla.He and his Mother and Father sinned with another Goddess.Please pray for their salvation.Praise the lord.

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