The Person Who’s Given Me the Most Trouble

Feb 22, 2018 1469

Radio Version:

The Person Who’s Given Me the Most Trouble

Once there was someone in my work who made life such hell for me that when I turned up each morning I just felt nauseous. I quit soon after.

We all have at least one difficult person in our lives. And all the tips about how to deal with difficult people just don’t seem to work!

But I’ll let you in on a secret, about the person who’s given me the most trouble in my life. It’s not someone else. It’s myself.

We’re all hard-wired to blame others for our problems. But if you’re really honest about it, you’ll agree too, that the person who’s given you the most trouble in life is you.

Usually, you don’t need someone to save you from other people. You actually need someone to save you from yourself!

Jesus has promised to forgive your sins, and make you new. Remember: Jesus is the only one who can save you from yourself.

Eliezer Gonzalez

trouble The Person Whos Given Me the Most Trouble

Jesus is the only one who can save you from yourself.

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