You Plus God Are Always a Majority

Sep 13, 2017 1843

Radio Version:

You Plus God Are Always a Majority

I know that I’m expected to face all the challenges of life head-on, with confidence and courage, but I’ll let you in on a secret. Within myself, I’ve always felt small, weak, outnumbered and overwhelmed. And that’s the truth of it.

Some years ago, I found a little verse in the Bible that helped change my thinking. Here it is:

The least will become a thousand, and the smallest a powerful people.
I am the Lord; at the right moment, I will hurry it along
 (Isa 60:22, CEB).

What this is saying is that when the Lord is on your side, you’re always a majority!

On the Cross, Jesus stood up for a lost and broken world. On that resurrection morning, Jesus showed why he, and those who stand with him, outnumbers everyone else.

Because of what Jesus has done for me, I can face anything! Remember: With God on your side, you too can always be a majority.

Eliezer Gonzalez

You Plus God Are Always a Majority

Because of what Jesus has done for me, I can face anything.

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