The Power of United Prayer – Kibera, Kenya

Apr 2, 2018 2655

The Power of United Prayer – Kibera, Kenya

Mary shares how prayer has impacted the life of her daughter, Ann.

After attending 10 Days of Prayer, Mary was able to say “I have seen the power of a united prayer”.

Mary, a teacher in a local primary school, is a resident of Kibera, Kenya. Kibera happens to be one of the largest and most notorious ghettos in Africa. Mary is also a member of the church where I conducted a prayer seminar called 10 Days of Prayer.

Mary is married and she and her husband are blessed with a little girl called Anne. Anne is a lovely 7 year old who appears to be a regular child until one hears her story.

Anne was born without any observable defects but when she was four, she suddenly began complaining about pain in her neck. Since then, at times she suddenly falls as if caught by a muscle cramp. Although she has been taken to some of the best hospitals in Kenya, her problem is still shrouded in mystery. She has been tested for tumours and other similar conditions without any results.

In January, Mary, having made a new year resolution of regular church attendance, heard about the 10 Days of Prayer and decided to come and ask for special prayer for her daughter. She later said that she was inspired by the way these prayers were conducted as well as the devotional talks that the preacher would give before guiding people on how to conduct effective prayers. Although she had not initially planned, or thought it possible for her, to attend all the meetings, the first two days convinced her that that was the place to be. So she went ahead and requested permission from her employer for time off work, citing her daughter’s condition as the reason.


Mary was among the ten people who came with powerful testimonies


At the 10 Days of Prayer, the preacher asked members to write down their prayer requests on pieces of paper and drop them in a prayer box. He then divided them into prayer groups of 7 each. Mary wrote about her daughter’s health condition.

On the closing day, we asked members to submit their testimonies if any, and narrate them to the whole congregations as a way of inspiring others on the significance of prayer. We were careful not to coerce members for testimonies, so we made sure that only those who had personal convictions that their prayers had been answered rose to speak.

I am glad to report that the response was as encouraging as it was symbolic, having ten people volunteer to testify. Mary was among the ten people who came with powerful testimonies of what prayer had done in their lives. She said,

Since we began praying for my daughter, her health seems to have improved and she has become even more active and happy both at home and at church. I believe it’s these prayers that have started working, and I know God will not let me down otherwise I have nowhere else to ask for help. Please continue praying for Ann. She is just an innocent child – my only child.  

– Pr Bonfiresh Muhollo

Help Spread the Word Fast

Eliezer Gonzalez

Apr 21, 2018

We will pray with you, brother! Grace and peace, Eliezer

Elbert T. Nyonneoh

Apr 21, 2018

Thank you very much for the powerful prayer meeting carried on for those days. I want to join you guys also to pray for little Anne for our Almighty God to extend his healing hand upon her. I pray that in Jesus name she will be healed.

Eliezer Gonzalez

Apr 16, 2018

Thank you for your encouragement, Robert. Be blessed in the Lord! Eliezer


Apr 16, 2018

powerful teachings and testimonies

Eliezer Gonzalez

Apr 5, 2018

Yes, he is! God bless you!

salako opeyemi

Apr 4, 2018

Our God is awesome.he is a prayer answering God,who never fails

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