Preserve Your Faith

Jun 7, 2017 2956

Radio Version:

Preserve Your Faith

We all know people who used to go to church or believe in God, but they don’t anymore. So what makes the difference? Why do some people keep their faith and others lose it?

Faith is a precious thing, but it can also be fragile.

The Apostle Paul wrote this:

Whatever happens, my dear brothers and sisters, rejoice in the Lord. I never get tired of telling you these things, and I do it to safeguard your faith. 

This means that if we rejoice in the Lord, we will protect our faith. So to keep your faith strong, your first response, whatever happens, should be to rejoice in the Lord.

If you’re like me, our natural response to the bad stuff that happens in our lives is to worry and stress and complain. But if you want to keep your faith and see it grow, perhaps it’s time for less whinging and more rejoicing!

Eliezer Gonzalez

Preserve Your Faith

To preserve your faith, your first response should be to rejoice in the Lord.

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