Recycled Rubbish

Mar 1, 2020 1707

Radio Version:

Recycled Rubbish

Sometimes Christians like to tell stories about how God healed someone with a terrible illness, and dramatic stuff like that. And they’re fantastic stories!

But you know, as well as I do, that that’s not how life usually works out at all. I think about my mother, and how as a child, I heard her often say that the last thing she wanted was to end up in a nursing home with dementia. And that’s how she ended up.

But what if God doesn’t work the way people often say he does? What if, instead of going around granting wishes and fixing stuff, he often loves to actually take the worthless rubbish of life and recycle it into something beautiful? Wouldn’t that be something!

Well, that’s the kind of God I believe in, the kind of God who takes weakness and turns it into strength, takes limitations and turns them into possibilities, takes sadness and turns it into joy. Remember: God is the Great Recycler.

Eliezer Gonzalez

Recycled Rubbish

God often loves to take the worthless rubbish of life and recycle it into something beautiful.

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