
Feb 7, 2018 1621

Radio Version:


When life gets tough, it can be a struggle to stay true to who you are and to stay grounded.

Because I’m a follower of Jesus, there are there really specific things that I try to remember. They might be different for you, but these are mine.

First of all, I remember who I am.

It’s important to remember who you are. I remind myself that I’m a child of God. I am desperately wanted and passionately loved.

Then, I remember who I belong to.

Everyone needs to belong, so I remind myself that I belong to God. I’m not alone in my troubles. He’s always there with me.

Finally, I remember where I’m going.

We all need a goal – a destination. I remind myself that I’m a citizen of heaven, and that’s where I’m heading.

So that’s my list of three things I remind myself when I’m feeling overwhelmed. What’s your list look like?

Eliezer Gonzalez

remember Remember

God is always there with me.

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