Resizing God

Mar 3, 2017 2327

Radio Version:

Resizing God

Come on, admit it! We’ve all done it! We’ve all thrown a chocolate bar into the shopping trolley as our little treat!

And have you noticed how chocolate bars seem to get smaller? Every few years they seem to get resized down, but the price stays the same…

Too many people think they can resize God to a tiny corner of their lives, to fit with their own ideas. Some even think they can shrink God away completely.

But deep in our souls there’s a hunger for the awe and wonder of something, and someone, far bigger than ourselves.

Psalm 8 says,

O LORD, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth!

Your glory is higher than the heavens. (Psalm 8:1, NLT).

Nobody can resize God away. He deserves your worship, because he’s bigger and better than you can imagine.

But remember, the great God of the universe loves you, and longs for your love in return.

Eliezer Gonzalez

Resizing God

People can try resizing God but deep in our souls there’s a hunger for the awe and wonder of something, and someone, far bigger than ourselves.

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