Romans Article Issues 49 – 58
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- Dr Desmond Ford
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Oct 10, 2014 2065
written by Dr Desmond Ford
Issue No 49
Excerpt:In every revival of the gospel, some undo by overdoing. To Luther’s horror, his friend, John Agricola, taught that Christians are in every sense free from the Ten Commandments. John wrongly thought that belief in justification by faith overturned the need for law.
Issue No 50
Excerpt:We must consider, and answer, five more objections to prayer.
Issue No 51
Excerpt:Chapter 15 of Romans continues the theme of Chapter 14 and invokes the heaviest of spiritual artillery in the war against selfishness and conceit. Paul looks to the example of Christ as a supreme motivation for a life permeated with unselfish love.
Issue No 52
Excerpt:The list of Paul’s Roman friends found in the last chapter of this letter reminds us that the names of all believers are written in heaven, and that one day “the roll will be called up yonder.” Here, we have a preintimation of the calling of the…
Issue No 53
Excerpt:Romans 2: 13 has been puzzling to many when it declares that the doers of the law are justified. What Paul is saying is not a contradiction to his conclusions in R…
Issue No 54
Excerpt:We have in the first two verses what Bishop Anders Nygren calls “the basic rule of Paul’s ethics.” Having received the mercy of God, our lives are transformed. This is ever Paul’s approach to morality. “Therefore..
Issue No 55
Excerpt:The sword of the Lord has two edges. One is law and one is gospel. The gospel is concerned with the indicative, but the law with the imperative. For example, in Colossians 3:3 we read:
Issue No 56
Excerpt:Paul would have loved the later dictum of Augustine: “In essentials, unity; in nonessentials, liberty; in all things, charity.” Having dealt with the essentials in his earlier chapters, Paul now comes to the nonessentials, which can often be made to loom too large and destroy the peace of Christians, individually and in community.
Issue No 57
Excerpt:It it the ideas of most value or significance to humanity that call forth the most spirited debate. Does life have meaning? Is there a God? Did we arrive by creation or evolution? Are all cases of abortion wrong? Is lying ever justified? Is situation ethics appropriate if the whole situation is taken into account?
Can pacifism work in an evil world? Should Christians join secular armies? Is there any such thing as a just war today?
Issue No 58
Excerpt:And New Testaments. Not one of those references describes a human soul or spirit living independently
of a body…
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