Salvation and Your Healing

Feb 15, 2021 3348

Salvation and Your Healing

A verse that Christians love to quote is Acts 4:12,

Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved (NIV).

Christians typically use this verse to talk about how you can have eternal life, and they are right in this. But I think that too many people miss an important point of this verse.

The apostle Peter said these words in the context of his healing of the lame beggar who was sitting beside the gate of the temple (See Acts 3:1-9 and 4:10–11).

This highlights a very important fact about the word “salvation,” which is soteria. We tend to use the word to refer to the spiritual aspects of being justified by God and granted eternal life. However, in the original Greek, the word has much broader meanings than that. “Salvation” refers to the whole person. It includes not only restoration to health and well-being, but also protection from destruction. It means not only deliverance from sin, but also from its effects.

God intends your good for every part of your existence. 

That’s why the word “salvation” is used in the New Testament to refer to physical healing from illnesses or diseases. And that’s exactly the context of Acts 4:12. Peter is talking about the healing of the lame man from his physical infirmity.

However, it is also undeniable, through Peter’s reference to Christ’s death and resurrection, that he beings into view Christ as the Saviour in every sense of the word, including of course as our Saviour from sin. The victory of the Cross has given Christ power over all. What Peter is saying is that if Jesus is our Saviour, he saves us from everything!

There are some very important lessons that we can learn from this today.

The first one is that Jesus is interested in our physical healing. Let’s not hold back from claiming his power for the healing of our bodies in our lives.

Salvation and your healing go hand in hand.

God intends our good for every part of our existence. In every case of illness and disease, he will completely restore us. Let us remember, however, that in some cases he may choose to do so miraculously in this life, and in other cases he will restore us in eternity. However it may be that God chooses to bring heal you, we have no reason whatsoever to hold back from claiming his healing power in our lives.

The second lesson is that through Christ, God has saved us completely. Every part of our being belongs to him. Just as God asks us to surrender all that we are and everything we have to him, so too he claims every part of our being as his. God doesn’t love our spiritual side but hate our physical bodies. He loves every part of us, and he wants to bless, heal and restore every part of us.

The third and final lesson from this verse is that the Cross must become the centre and focal-point of our every part of our lives. What Peter was saying in Acts 4 before the Sanhedrin is that the death and the resurrection of the Son of God is at the heart of every blessing that we receive from him. It is the source of power for our salvation from sin. And because of it, it is the source of power of how God heals the infirmities of our bodies as well. The more that we are able to focus on Christ and him crucified, the more of his blessings that we will perceive and receive into our lives.

Eliezer Gonzalez

Help Spread the Good News

Eliezer Gonzalez

Feb 22, 2021

Les Padfield, thank you for bringing this to my attention. I recognised that you are right. I shouldn't have expressed myself this way. My apologies to Waisale!

Les Padfield

Feb 21, 2021

Eliezer, I have to say that I feel your response on Jan 15th to Waisale felt rather unloving. They may have disagreed or misunderstood but expressed their point gently, and I think responding by telling them 'next time, read the article before you post' could have been a lot kinder.

Evette McGaw

Feb 21, 2021

Jesus is our saviour he died and sets us free from all sin he is the way truth and life let us worship and adore him in all that we do he promise that he will not leave us nor forsake us he is our healer and deliver only trust him.


Feb 21, 2021


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