Saviour and Lord

Feb 16, 2017 2090

Radio Version:

Saviour and Lord

There was a time when two blind men approached Jesus and asked him to have mercy on them (Matt. 9:27–31). He healed them, and then he told them to make sure that they told absolutely no-one about what had happened.

Instead, they raced off and started telling everyone what Jesus had done.

Jesus had saved them from their blindness – in this sense, he was their Saviour.

But if they had been truly grateful, they should have done what Jesus asked them to do. If they obeyed Jesus, he would not only have been their Saviour, but their Lord as well.

Are you grateful enough to let Jesus be both Saviour and Lord of your life? Then give him thanks for the salvation, and go out and obey his Word today.

Eliezer Gonzalez

Saviour and Lord

Are you grateful enough to let Jesus be both Saviour and Lord of your life?

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