Seek and Find – by Laura Stewart

Apr 5, 2016 2026


You will seek me and find me, when you search for me with all of your heart (Jeremiah 29:13).

Have you ever misplaced something you needed to find urgently? Like a wallet or keys?   It is definitely easy for our busy, roaming minds to lose track of where we put something. It makes it very difficult to locate that something when we really need it, doesn’t it?

It’s amazing that God promises us that he will be found.  But he doesn’t just say that he will be found when we half-heartedly look for him. He is found when we search with all of our heart. 

Take, for example, the woman in Jerusalem who was ill with a bleeding disease.  All she wanted to do was go find Jesus, in the midst of the crowd, so that she might just touch his robe and be healed (Matt 9:20).

I cannot imagine being sick and in pain, yet have the willpower to go out into a huge crowd, searching for one man.  However, the woman believed Jesus would have the ability to heal her. It was her faith in him which made her take action to go searching.  And Jesus knew the moment she was in his presence.

Jesus turned and saw her. “Take heart, daughter,” he said, “your faith has healed you.” And the woman was healed at that moment (Matt 9:22).

The woman in this story did not mindlessly look around for some answer, or healing.  She was very intentional. This woman searched and found Jesus because she did so with her whole heart, just like the Lord promised would happen in Jeremiah.

When we seek out the Lord, whether that’s for a special healing, for peace and comfort during a difficult time, or just to be with Him as we sing praises, he will not sit idly by.  Jesus knows when we are calling out to him and when we are seeking to be near him.  It is his joy to commune with us– Jesus not only came to earth to live with us, but he died for our sins and rose again so that we could have this relationship forever!  So that when we long for him with our whole heart, He will be found every time.

– Laura Stewart

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