Seemingly Insignificant, Infinitely Loved
- Bible
- Bible study
- Christian Evidences
- Christian Living
- Christianity
- Ella Rodionoff
- Faith
- Gospel
- Holy Spirit
- Jesus
- New Testament
Apr 15, 2016 1407
I like to go outside some nights and look up at the stars. The night sky is so much different than at daytime. It is like a blue veil is removed and we can look into the universe. Vast and beautiful, it reminds me of how incredible God’s creation is.
However, at the same time, seeing how big the universe is and how small my world is, makes me realise how insignificant I am in the big scheme of things. All my problems, everything I am stressing about, and everything that I think and feel seem so small and unimportant.
But still, despite how small we are, God does not forget about us. Luke 12:6-7 says,
Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God… Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
We don’t have to worry about being forgotten by God. He even remembers the sparrows, as insignificant as they seem. And we are far more important to God than the sparrows. He cares about the problems we are facing, what we are stressing about, and how we are feeling. He is with us, he loves us and he saved us.
We may feel insignificant in this world, but we are not insignificant to God.
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