Sharing the Gospel of Grace – Vunikili, India

Sep 12, 2018 3109

Sharing the Gospel of Grace – Vunikili, India

As people hear the Gospel preached, their lives are changed.

For the first time we have conducted Gospel meetings in the remote village of Vunikili, India. Around 65 people came and some accepted Jesus into their lives. So God has done great things in this village.

In Vunikili, many people fish for a living and many are uneducated and do not know how to read or write. The Holy Spirit led us to conduct two days of Gospel Evangelism in the village. Among those who accepted Jesus are five boys who are so eager to learn about the Holy Gospel and to do the work of God. I give thanks to God. Here are some of the people who accepted the Gospel:

Suresh is a young boy who has been doing fishing work daily. He did not know about the Holy Bible. On the first day of the meetings he accepted Jesus. He came to us and asked for our prayers and he told us,

My life is changing through the Word of God. So I accept Jesus and will pray daily. Thanks to God.

Rambabu is a 45 year old man, who was never given an education. The Holy Gospel of Jesus touched his heart and changed his life and he accepted Jesus into his life. He said,

I have been longing for Jesus and I did not know where to go and listen to hear the word of God. So tonight I have heard the Word of God and it touched and moved my heart and changed my life. Thanks to Jesus.

Sundramma identified as a Christian, but she had no faith in Jesus. She had been going to church and doing religious rituals but was not at all happy in her life. She has been facing many family problems and felt unable to hear the Word of God. So when the Gospel meetings were held she came and on the last day she said,


Now I believe that Jesus’ preaching and teaching is more powerful than any religious rituals


It is the work of God that encouraged me and gave me strong faith in Jesus. So now I believe that Jesus’ preaching and teaching is more powerful than any religious rituals. So now I have peace of mind and I will pray to Jesus daily to overcome all the problems in the family. Thanks to Jesus.  

Sankar Rao is a Hindu man. His whole family is Hindu, as were his ancestors. So when we conducted the two days Gospel meeting he attended and on the last day he accepted Jesus and he is very happy. He has been doing fishing work daily. He says,

All my life I’ve been so sad and I was thinking that I was missing something in my life. So I was not happy in my life with my family. But after the Gospel meetings I have heard the powerful Word of God and it touched my heart. I have peace of mind now and I am so happy. I now pray and listen to the word of God on the GNU TV Programme. And I try to reach my family members and pray for them. Thanks to you in Christ.

 Lourdu Mary is a Christian who did many religious rituals. Despite this she did not know the powerful Word of God and she was not at all happy in her life and family. When we preached the Word of God to her and to the people in her villages, she came to know about the preaching and teaching of Jesus. So the powerful Word of Jesus touched her heart and she cried a lot and came to us and asked us to pray for her. She says,

I will stop all my religious rituals and read the holy Bible and pray. I am so much enlightened now and I do believe in the Word of God. So thanks to you all.

– Pr Joseph Usala

Help Spread the Word Fast

Sylvia Olapeju Awoliyi

Mar 12, 2019


Pamella Marunga

Mar 11, 2019

Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior to him be the glory and honor. May the people of India find eternal peace in him because he is the prince of peace. Continue spreading the gospel to the lost because it is the only hope of glory. God bless you GNU.

Harris Yank

Mar 10, 2019

God is so good. He's the God of time.

Eliezer Gonzalez

Mar 10, 2019

Thank you for your wonderful message here. Grace and peace. Eliezer

Stojan Ninkovic

Mar 9, 2019

Any one that truly wants to know why they were born will eventually come to understand that Jesus Christ is their Saviour and He paid the price for their freedom from slavery to Satan, self and sin. There is no other way to make it to Heaven and be eternally with God than through Jesus Christ just as there is no way to make it safely to earth from an airplane than to have a strong and safe parachute to take you there. Every one born once will die once. But Jesus said if you are born again you will never die but live forever in Him. Jesus has made His choice to save all mankind and He did it by dying on a bloody Roman Cross but because you cannot kill God he rose again after 3 days. Now it remains that we must choose Jesus. Put on the parachute (so to speak) and when your time comes to leave this world, you will know that you will land safely in the arms of your loving Saviour Jesus Christ. It makes no sense to just have a parachute in the closet or hanging on a wall. It must be on you if you want a safe landing. Faith is like that. It is your own faith in Jesus Christ and His saving love for you that saves you - not someone else’s faith. Simply confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ died for your sins, believe that you are forgiven and accept His offer of Life eternal with Him as your guide and friend and you will be saved both now and forevermore. God wants to show every person that He is more powerful than any problem, fear or circumstance. The only way to walk with God is to come into a relationship with Him. The starting point is our choice. Choose Jesus Christ as your Saviour because He already chose to save you. Accept His free offer of Life ( you cannot earn it by good works) then begin a life long journey of discovery of the magnificence of walking with the God of the Universe in your heart and by your side until someday you see him face to face.

Andryas Qadir masih

Mar 9, 2019

Come in my country for gospel meeting, here need it

Shema Alphonse

Mar 9, 2019

These are lovely things appreciate in the name of Jesus Christ, because the one believed Jesus as lord as Christ, in heaven they above up glory of God. So I am happy for it that why I give the glory of God. Be bless

Samuel Kromah

Mar 9, 2019

Thanks be to Master Jesus because everything the holy Bible says about him is true.

Ruberintwari Regis

Mar 9, 2019

Halleluja!The people who were in the darkest darkness are now enlightened by the light of the Gospel. Thank you Jesus.

Tinashe Dube

Mar 9, 2019

We thanks God to those believed in him and the people of India let God guide u I can like to go to India so that I can help to teach them how to read thanks may the lord be with you all and all the NGU group please don't stop to spread the word of God to the world u help us a lot its only that here in Zambia we don't know were we can go God bless you All


Mar 8, 2019

Praying for all the People’s in India who are hearing Jesus preached. May they come to know joy and peace that can only come by knowing Jesus.

Gideon Gagu

Mar 8, 2019

Jesus is wonderful. Knowing Him brings that perfect peace. To God be the glory.

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