Sit on the Stone

Oct 12, 2018 2190

Radio Version:

Sit on the Stone

We’ve all had nightmares, haven’t we? As a child, I used to dream that someone, or something, was chasing me through a cemetery, and I’d often wake up terrified. Nightmares happen because our minds are processing our fears while we sleep.

Matthew’s account of the resurrection of our Lord adds an intriguing detail that the other Gospel writers missed. He says that on resurrection Sunday, an angel came down from heaven, went to the tomb, rolled away the stone, and sat on it.

What does that stone represent? It represents the finality of death. It’s the worst and the sum of our fears.

We all have stones in our lives that seem to block our way. But because Jesus is risen, there are no more stones in your life that can’t be overcome, no more limitations to who you can be and what you can achieve.

What’s your stone? Remember, you can sit roll away that stone and sit on it, by believing in Jesus.

Eliezer Gonzalez

Sit on the Stone

Because Jesus is risen there are no more limitations to who you can be and what you can achieve.

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