The Special Sin for Which Christ Died by Desmond Ford

Sep 17, 2014 2567

The Special Sin for Which Christ Died 1


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Jesus said In Mark 13: 14 that we need to understand what the Book of Daniel’s expression, “the abomination of desolation” means. Yet there is only one book in the English language devoted to the topiC! Knowing what the phrase meant saved the lives of the early Christians. We need to study to find out what Jesus wants us to know.

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The Bible is a tale of two cities: Jerusalem and Babylon. The conflict between the two cities represents the conflict between Christ and his people Uerusalem) and Lucifer and his followers (Babylon). The Book of Daniel begins with stories of conflict between the two cities. The stories are the key to understanding the conflict in the prophecies that follow.

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The stories in the first half of the Book of Daniel are about idolatrous kings who rebel against God. The first of Daniel’s prophecies (Daniel 7), in the second half of the book, introduces us to Antichrist. This is an idolatrous power that rebels against God. An idol is known as an “abomination” in the Bible.

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Antichrist is a recurring theme in the Book of Daniel. The Antichrist prophecy has recurring fulfillments. The first fulfillment was Antiochus Epiphanes. Next was pagan Rome, followed by the church-state union of the Middle Ages. The consummate fulfillment will be a universal church-state union that will try to destroy God’s people.

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The gospel is the key to understanding prophecy. What happened to Christ, the Head, will happen to his Body, the church. Judas, the betrayer, is an Antichrist, or an “abomination of desolation.” His inexplicable acts of treachery help us understand that idolatry is putting self before God-the special sin for which Christ died.

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The rise and fall of Ian Fleming, creator of James Bond, is a strong lesson. Spending our life on self will bring eternal loss. Only loving the God who loves us in Christ brings eternal life.

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