Mar 2, 2022 10576

Dear Friends in the Lord
During the last week, we have all been horrified to see the war unfolding in Ukraine. We follow the Prince of Peace – Jesus – and we love his “gospel of peace” (Eph 6:15.) Our hearts are broken with grief for the suffering of the innocent. We recognize that war and aggression of all kinds are the result of the work of the enemy of God.
Hearts Broken with Grief
I have dear personal friends in Ukraine who are suffering deeply right now. I have been to Ukraine to share the Gospel many times. I deeply love the people of that country and I know something of their deep suffering throughout their history. Spiritually, the people in this part of the world are also our brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers and children.
It is easy to say that we will pray, and I am sure that many of us have been doing just that. However, I encourage you to do more, if you are able, to help the people of Ukraine.
What Can We Do?
What can Good News Unlimited do? Our ministry, of course, is strictly non-political, but we exist to share the Gospel of peace and comfort in Jesus wherever it most needs to be heard. What we can do is to flood Ukraine and Russia with encouraging messages about Jesus and his love and promises for the people of those countries.
As for Ukraine, we will do the same for Russia, where mothers and fathers are also losing their sons are in war, and where economic hardship looms for many. We love the people of both countries. Wherever there is strife, we want to bring the comfort of the Gospel!
Please Help Today
Remember, as long as there is internet coverage, we can reach the Ukrainian and Russian peoples with the comfort of the Gospel in this time of greatest need!
If you would like help us in this project, please give here:
Because of the urgency, we haven’t set up a separate appeal campaign. This means that after you have given through the link above, please email me directly at [email protected] In your email, please let me know your name, date, and donation amount.
If you are able to do that, I can guarantee to you to the entirety of your gift will go toward sharing the comfort of the Gospel with the suffering people in Ukraine and Russia.
And keep praying for the people of Ukraine and for peace!

Grace and Peace
Eliezer Gonzalez

Senior Pastor and Managing Director
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