Step/Week 1, Day 6 – Denial and Powerlessness: Lost Energy

May 6, 2020 1644

Step/Week 1, Day 6 – Denial and Powerlessness: Lost Energy

“Come to me and I will give you rest—all of you who work so hard beneath a heavy yoke” (Matt. 11:28, TLB).

Do you feel energised when you’re under stress or does life become one dragging step after the other? How much energy do we expend hiding our shame, pretending we are fine when we are quite the opposite? Supporting lies to keep our disguise in place? It’s exhausting, isn’t it?

“How are you today Mary?” “I am fine and thanks for asking.” Mary’s “fine” answer is a weather forecast not a statement of emotional well-being! It’s a default mechanism that’s saying, “I’m not going to let you into my life. I fear your response, if you knew the real me”. I once asked a successful CEO friend of mine how he was enjoying his new post. He replied that if he could spend half the energy, he spends taking knives out of his back than actually running the company, then he would be truly kicking goals. How much more could we achieve by living in the truth and the freedom it brings, if we transferred our lie-supporting energy into life-changing recovery relief?

As you grow in your recovery you will feel lighter and more energised into being in a better place. People around you will start to now the changes happening in you. Changes God is orchestrating. The freedom and rest He wants to give you. You no longer have to work under a “heavy yoke”. Jesus will also transform your failures into an honest learning experience as your real-life truth-based wisdom grows. Your burden will get lighter, your health will start to improve, slowly in some cases, and relationships will begin to flourish in authenticity as you watch each other’s backs with honest accountability.

Is there any other way to live? Yes, there is but the ultimate choice is yours alone. Let Jesus take the load for you and give you rest! God never wastes a hurt, ever.

– Graham Hood 

Personal Reflection: What would you do with this new-found energy from stepping out of denial? How could you use this new-found energy productively? Never forget, that God is in the life-changing business for the long haul. He wants to see you flourish to your highest potential—to give you refreshment and rest from your addictive lifestyle.

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