Step/Week 12, Day 5 – Give and Yes: Yield Yourself to God

May 6, 2020 1308

Life Recovery Devotions StepWeek 12 Day 5 – Give and Yes Yield Yourself to God

“Dear brothers, if a Christian is overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and humbly help him back onto the right path, remembering that next time it might be one of you who is in the wrong. Share each other’s troubles and problems, and so obey our Lord’s command” (Gal. 6:1-2, TLB).

We covered the topic of relapse in last week’s devotionals. Relapse can be a painful reality for many of us going through the recovery process. It’s something you need to be mindful of and you should never become complacent with where you’re at in your recovery from addictions.

The apostle Paul, again, provides you with some timely teaching that is going to help you stay on the right track as you continue to serve others. When someone you’re journeying with is “overcome by some sin”, it is your chance to show your love and care for them as “you humbly help him [or her] back onto the right path”. You can point them back to Jesus, to the path that leads to life and freedom. You’re not to be judgemental or smug, because you’ve probably been in similar situations in the past. Remember “it might be one of you who is in the wrong” next time. Be gracious in how you act towards people who are feeling the pain and experiencing the consequences of their words and actions.

It’s good to “share” someone’s journey with them; it’s a mutual partnership filled with the ups and downs of life but especially the “troubles and problems”, these are the times when that person needs a friend, a listening ear and a non-judgemental attitude. When you serve others in this way, you are obeying the “Lord’s commands”.

Yield to God and His ways and He will show you how best to serve those around you!

– Graham Hood 

Personal Reflection: Commit yourself to God afresh this day! Yield yourself to Him and His ways and teachings. Stay close to Him through your daily “quiet time”. Be kind and non-judgemental to those who are really struggling. Ask God to fill you with gentleness and humility!

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