Step/Week 3, Day 1 – Turn and Action: Having Hope

May 6, 2020 1484

Step/Week 3, Day 1 – Turn and Action: Having Hope

“For it is God who is working in you both to will and to work according to His good purpose” (Phil. 2:13, CSB).

Hope was something that in 2006 I had completely lost. The 18th of August 2006 was to be my last day on Earth. There was no hope in my life and therefore no point in living. Then a series of miracles turned my life into a mission. From suicide to grace to now living a life that explodes with relevance.

If you are reading these devotionals you may have come to a conclusion that until now your life has been hopeless. Life is pointless. Life has no meaning. This may well be your last resort. You might be thinking like I did, “Is there any point of going on”. Well, you bet there is! There is always hope!

But where did my hope emerge from? A life of agnosticism and atheism had left a huge spiritual void in my soul. I had a God-shaped hole that I tried to fill with everything else but God. The problem with that, is a God-shaped hole can only be filled by God and nothing else. It took me a long time for that penny to drop.

In my quest for the final answer before exit, stage right, I started to explore the universe and where it came from. Over a period of a week I came to realise that there must be a divine power behind all of this. There must be God at work in all this.

When I let God into my life—life took on a new meaning—God’s meaning for my life. A new purpose developed where I sought to find God’s, purposeful will for my life. God is waiting for you, like He was waiting for me. He’s ready to start a new work within you; you need to play your part in that, too, but He’ll show you the way.

– Graham Hood 

Personal Reflection: Can you identify an empty chamber in your soul? Invite God into that space and ask Him to fill that empty chamber with His presence. Study His Word in the Bible as you seek His will for your life. Believe that He’s working in you, right now!

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