Step/Week 3, Day 5 Turn and Action: HOPE
May 6, 2020 2489

“For if you had faith even as small as a tiny mustard seed you could say to this mountain, ‘Move!’ and it would go far away. Nothing would be impossible” (Matt. 17:20, TLB).
Today we deal with the letter E in HOPE which stands for Expect to change. Remember change takes time. Don’t quit yet before the miracle happens. It’s important to have perseverance. There’s going to be good, bad and indifferent days ahead, but God is with you in all of them. The miracles you have been waiting for are just a few steps away with God’s help. You just need a little faith to get you started, even faith as small as a mustard seed. God can give you that faith. All you need to do is ask Him.
Now, read today’s Bible verse again. Isn’t it reassuring to know that you only need a little bit of faith to get started? Your faith will grow as you start noticing the changes. God will help your faith grow as you believe and trust in Him.
You know, you can’t buy your way out of your hurts, habits and hang-ups. You can’t rely on gifts of money or even an intellectual understanding to get you out of this one. It only requires that you see Jesus Christ as the Remedy for what ails you. He is the Great Physician, the Divine Healer.
When He starts His work in you, those changes will be noticed by those around you. They will start to see a difference to how you were before. You will see a different perspective creeping across all of your thinking and beliefs. Don’t be afraid of this joy not lasting. Believe me it gets better and better as you travel the road to recovery. Expect what has up to now been, the un-expected. When God is at work, all things are possible through Him, for those who believe in Him.
– Graham Hood
Personal Reflection: Are you afraid of a better life and what it may bring? Are you afraid it may not last? Don’t worry about that and don’t let that stop you seeking God! God is in the business of everlasting changes. You can experience this first-hand, if you let Him do His work in you. Have faith in what He wants to do for you!
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