Step/Week 6, Day 3 – Ready: Easy Does It

May 6, 2020 1242

Life Recovery Devotions StepWeek 6 Day 3 – Ready Easy Does It

“Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him to help you do it, and He will” (Ps. 37:5, TLB).

“Rome was not built in a day.” You may have heard this phrase before. If not, it means a task that is complex and intricate will probably take a long to achieve the desired results. I think this phrase is a lot like being on the road to recovery. Recovery is a complex and intricate process, just like you’re probably a complex and intricate person wanting to be free from your addictions.

One thing I’ve learned in my recovery is that there are no easy fixes or shortcuts to wholeness and well-being. If you want to be free of your addictions, then you need to roll your sleeves up and be willing to get your hands dirty. But you’re not in it alone, God is there with you, wanting to go to work on your character defects.

Today’s verse contains a marvellous promise you can take hold of today and make it yours. When you commit all your ways to God, trusting Him to help you achieve all He wants you to accomplish, then you can be 100% certain that He will do it, for you.

You may not be the world’s most patient person, but God can help you to be patient, too. Recovery is going to take time and a lot of patience on your part. It’s the road you need to walk right now. As you walk this road, trusting God, you will start to see God working on your character defects, and others will start to see that, too.

– Graham Hood 

Personal Reflection: Are you a patient person? If not, ask God to give you daily patience. Realise there’s a long way to travel on your journey to full recovery. Relax! Be thankful God put you on that road. Be grateful for daily blessings and mercies God shows you. Praise God!

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