Step/Week 7, Day 6 – Victory: Recovery is a Process

May 6, 2020 1443

Life Recovery Devotions StepWeek 7 Day 6 – Victory Recovery is a Process

“And I am sure that God who began the good work within you will keep right on helping you grow in His grace until His task within you is finally finished on that day when Jesus Christ returns” (Phil. 1:6, TLB).

You know for most people in recovery their experience of healing is through a lengthy process, whilst God continually works within their lives. However, there are some who have experienced God’s miraculous healing instantaneously. God knows exactly how His plan for your recovery is going to work out in your life. You don’t need to second-guess the possible outcome and time period God will take to accomplish your complete healing. Realistically, it might take your whole lifetime.

Paul’s words in today’s verse have meaning for your today, tomorrow and future. He is sure of God’s commitment to continue working within your life, once He has started that “good work”. God will help you grow in grace; He will give you enough grace for each day. You need to recognise that and be extremely thankful for God’s daily provision of grace.

There might be a lot of work for God to do in your life. You’ve had years spent in addiction, God is now going to bring about your full recovery, but this is going to take time. Recovery is a process.

Making steady progress in your recovery, is a good place to be in. Those small victories that God has achieved for you, need to be recognised and celebrated with a thankful and grateful heart. Remember, it’s not about perfection at this stage in your recovery. God is changing you. You may already be aware of that. Be patient—just like you need to be patient for Jesus’ Second Coming because that is the Day when God will have fully completed His work in you.

– Graham Hood 

Personal Reflection: Ask God to help you be patient with the process and progress of your recovery. Thank Him for the work He has already completed in your life. Look forward, with anticipation, to the work God is wanting to complete in your life. Be grateful, always!

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