Step/Week 9, Day 3 – Forgiveness and Grace: Forgive Yourself

May 6, 2020 1205

Life Recovery Devotions StepWeek 9 Day 3 – Forgiveness and Grace Forgive Yourself

“Come, let’s talk this over, says the Lord; no matter how deep the stain of your sins, I can take it out and make you as clean as freshly fallen snow. Even if you are stained as red as crimson, I can make you white as wool!” (Is. 1:18, TLB).

There’s some real stunning imagery used in today’s verse. Can you imaging trying to redye, let’s say for instance, a red jumper to a white jumper? Red is such a vivid and strong colour and in the above verse it’s associated with sins, your sins. The white “wool” and “freshly fallen snow” are being related to forgiveness, God’s forgiveness. His pure, cleansing and complete forgiveness—which He offers to you, this day and every day.

You’ve made mistakes. We all have. For some of you, you may be thinking that those mistakes are outside of God’s forgiveness, but you would be wrong. All your sins have been dealt with on the cross. So why can you not forgive yourself for the things that you’ve done to others, when God has and will continue to forgive you? It doesn’t really make sense, does it?

You know God’s love for you did not change once, even at your worse moment. He cannot look at sin, but He can look at you through the eyes of Jesus, because He sees Him in you. You need to start to love yourself or if that seems too bigger step at this moment in time, at least start to like yourself.

You can only give out the amount of love you feel yourself to others. If you feel little love of self or God’s love in your life, then you can give little love out to those around you. That’s not a great place to be at this time in your recovery. You need to accept the love God has for you and let that love heal your hurts, as you start to realise who you are in Him—His beloved, forgiven son or daughter.

– Graham Hood 

Personal Reflection: Do you realise how much God loves you? If not, spend some time in prayer and ask Him to reveal the love He has for you. Experience His love, daily. Forgive yourself—God has!

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