Symbolism in the Number Seven – Dr Desmond Ford

Aug 19, 2016 1888


Aug 20, 2016

The Symbolism of number 7... By adr. Desmond Ford. The truth from the bible. Now when the seven thunders uttered their voices, l was about to write, but l heard a voice from heaven saying to me, Seal up the things which the seven thunders uttered, and do not write them. revelation 10:4 (sealed until now). What do we understand from the sealed prophecy? What does the Spirit testify to us about the time of old, and our time today? How can we understand? Is it a mystery? He who has an ear, let him hear what the spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes l will give some of the hidden manna to eat. (feed by the word of God, by Des and his co..) And o will give him a white stone, and on the stone a new name written which no one knows except the one who receives it. Revelation 2:17 Blessed are those who receive such the hidden manna, and a white stone. Blessed are those who understands the massage to the churches. Blessed are those who are touched by these good news that Christ is our savior and redeemer. And that he saves. At this time of the end, nothing is easy even clear, therefore blessed are those who are praying for endurance, perseverance, and wisdom from above. God is on our side I am listening Dr. Desmond Ford Amen ?


Aug 20, 2016

Symbolism of number Seven.- By Dr. Desmond Ford. I love the book of Daniel and l love the book of Revelation. Both books tells us and prepares us of the times of end. One will be blessed to read the whole book of Daniel, we can learn alot about Daniels love for his creator and our heavenly father. How he prayed for guidance and for strength due to the kind of the world he lived in, even, whereby he was thrown in the den of the loins and he lived, because of his faith. Daniel 9:3. Then I set my face toward the Lord God to make request by prayer and supplications, with fasting, sackcloth, and ashes. This is sprayer of a prayerful saint. Who had and still was in communion with his God through visions. In Daniel 12:8-10. In verse 9. . And he said" Go your way , Daniel, for the words are sealed till the time of the end. And in verse 10 we are told of only the wise are to understand the prophecy of books like the revelation and the book of Daniel. My point is that here is a man of God(Dr. Desmond Ford) , guided by the Holy spirit, through the love of God ad His grace, where by he is trying to edify God's children, such as l , about the meaning of these prophecies. l have always been fascinated by the biblical number 7, 77, 70x70., whether it is of the Sabbath, the seventy sent by Moses, by Christ, the seventh day, where by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ layed still in the grave after his work of salvation. I think of the seven Angels with the seven trumpets in the book of revelation 8:6. The seven churches in Asian revelation 1:20. All these and only a few of the symbols of numbers seven, written in the Bible. Tells us of the time of the end, it encourages you and I. To listen to the words of prophecy, through studying the Bible , listening to God's servants like Dr.. Desmond Ford and his fellow companions . To be prayerful like Daniel, and to have faith that we shall even understand, what the spirit is telling us with this Symbol number 7. ( the word of prophecy . Thank you Dr. Desmond Ford! Amen

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