Taking a Tractor to a New Life
Sep 6, 2016 1456

Hundreds of people cam, from far away, to hear the Gospel preached.
She was just a slip of a girl in her early teens, and Pastor Joseph hardly noticed her as she made her way to the front of the crowd of several hundred people. Finally her steady gaze captured him, and he handed her his microphone:
I have been very miserable for as long as I can remember, but now I feel peace and I love Jesus and thank him for giving me peace of mind and new life through the GNU Gospel meetings I have attended!
Jesus had come to these Indian towns – Pollukonda and Parnasa – and, like the villages in Galilee two thousand years ago, people’s lives were transformed. Rupu noticed several people hopping onto a tractor to go to some meetings, he was curious. What could be so special that people would drive a tractor to hear someone talk? He decided to go along.
I am so thankful that Jesus brought me to these meetings! Through this GNU evangelistic meeting I have heard the word of God and have accepted Jesus. Praise be to Jesus!
Praise indeed to God for his great work, for motivating the hearts of people, for putting them on tractors and bicycles to learn about salvation. We thank him that we have the opportunity to be part of this work and and that one day we will meet these precious people in his kingdom. – Eliezer Gonzalez
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