Tax-Deductible Status Achieved! (in Australia)
Oct 19, 2017 1249
I have received a phone call from Canberra that Good News Unlimited has been granted Tax-Deductible Status in Australia!
This is very exciting and much sought-after news, since we originally applied for tax-deductible status over three years ago. Much prayer has been invested in this matter. We consider this to be a direct answer form God.
Tax deductible status opens the doors for the further growth of GNU. It will allow us to be able to communicate the Good News of Jesus Christ to more people!
Please note that this is available only to people in Australia. It is not available for other countries. Also, tax-deductible donations must be used to support our media work in Australia, and not for any work that we do overseas.
We will be sharing more information about tax-deductibility of donations to GNU soon.
Meanwhile, if you would like to take advantage of the opportunity to make a tax-deductible donation to GNU right now, make your donation, and contact our office to let us know that you wish a tax-deductible receipt.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support for the work we do together to Spread the Word fast about Jesus!
– Eliezer Gonzalez
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