Testimonies of New Believers in Koutharam – India

Apr 26, 2017 2015

Koutharam residents gather to hear the Good News preached

Koutharam residents gather to hear the Good News preached.

We have conducted a Gospel meeting in the village of Koutharam, India. It went well and people accepted Jesus. This village is remote and very far away from the nearest town.

Many of the people who live in Koutharam are Hindus. There are a few believers living in the village and they have been watching the GNU TV programme. One lady named Vijaya, who found Jesus through the TV programme, invited us to conduct a Gospel Evangelism meeting in the village. So we went there with strong faith and preached. People were saved in Christ and they all are so happy. By the grace of God they have been learning and hearing about Jesus.

Here is what some of the people said:

Jannake was born in a Hindu family and she did not know about Jesus. But she was inspired to come to the meeting. She said,

Tonight I came to know about Jesus and my life is saved in him.

Subhamma said,

Through this Gospel meeting I came to know about Jesus. I never heard about Jesus before. I give thanks to God for giving me a chance to come and attending this meeting.    

Ram Murthye said,

I was born and brought up in a Christian home but I did not have a strong faith in Jesus. So from this meeting I came to know that Jesus is a real saviour and I can be confident that I am fully saved in Christ.

Raja Ram said,

I was born into a Hindu family and had never gone to any Gospel meetings although I had heard about Jesus. But when they conducted the Gospel meeting in my village I was inspired to go. So I went and heard about Jesus. Then my heart was touched by the word of God and I am so moved and now I accept Jesus in my life fully. Thanks to Jesus.

Durgamma said,

Through this Gospel meeting I came to know about Jesus and my whole family accepted Jesus. I was an idol worshiper for years. But Jesus saved me. Thanks to Jesus.

– Pr Joseph Usala

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